SoccerTalk USA logo
A show about U.S. and world soccer from the American perspective.

Free Software
Marc does software development, among other things, so here you'll find little programs he writes that may be of interest to soccer fans. The programs are free, but without warranty or support. Feel free to report bugs or problems, though Marc can't promise he'll have time to fix them.

MLS Visual Scheduler

[Click for larger view]

This is a simple application that grabs the current Major League Soccer schedule from and displays it in a more visually appealing fashion. It's ideal for seeing at a glance what games are coming up, on which networks, and which ones overlap (useful if you're programming a DVR). Note: This is beta software and hasn't been thoroughly tested. It could stop working if changes their website. But it's free!

Download for Macintosh (Universal Binary): 3.1MB
Download for Windows (XP or better): 1.2MB

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A brief bit about Marc * Complete Episode Guide * L.A. Trip Photos * San Jose USA vs. China Trip Photos

Copyright 2005-2010 by Marc Zeedar. All Rights Reserved.